With a lot of changes in the Medicare marketplace here in Idaho for the 2017 year, we were able to successfully navigate the changes for all of our clients.
The Treasure Valley is still a competitive marketplace and Medicare beneficiaries have a wide selection of good choices for the coming year. The important things to look at when you are looking at plans are A) the Network included in the plan, B) out-of-pocket costs for the services that you use most frequently, and C) a monthly premium that fits into your budget. We also feel it is important to pay attention to the maximum-out-of-pocket on each plan so that if you have a catastrophic year with high healthcare needs you can manage that number within your budget.
Contact us if you need help navigating the options and choosing the best plan for you. And anyone turning 65 or retiring in 2017 should sit down with a professional to decide on the best plan for them. We are honored to do that for many in Idaho.